Shepherds of the Trees

Shepherds of the Trees by Vladimir Popović

Canon EOS 10D, 100/macro
f/5.6, 1/160, iso-100

“Ents are called the Shepherds of the Trees. Though all resemble trees, Ents do come in many shapes, sizes, and colors. They have slow musical voices and their native language of Entish. Despite their different ages, they all have the same slow, steady, thoughtful expression. This is an Ent Moot – the Ents gathering. Together the Ents discuss about important matters like life, war, death and love… The Ents are together now… Listen their voice… huuuu…”

Ent virus je još davno ubačen u mene, a Zeleni je krivac za to. Sada mi nema lijeka, zaražen sam! Pomirio sam se sa činjenicom da ću cijeli život gledati Ente.

Ovdje sam ulovio cijelu porodicu u proljetnoj šetnji po močvarnom dijelu Skadarskog jezera… mama, tata, deka, baka, braco i seka, tu je i onaj mali drugar koga zovu nosonja, tu je debelguza komšinica, pa čak i one dvije entice bujnih grudi i jedna ent trbušna plesačica…

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